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Cain Soccer Academy

CAIN Soccer Training

Sam Cain brings 10+ years in successful player development working from grassroots to collegiate levels.


Correcting the mental fundamentals and applying the correct application.


Building the trust connection in the coaching feedback and taking the initiative.


Helping the player understand their soccer identity so they can take their game to the next level.

Player Reviews

Sam identified my talent when I was working at Gold's gym as a personal trainer. He helped me earn a professional contract in Iceland and I have been a professional since our connection in 2010.
Dion Acoff
Union Omaha, USL PRO
Sam identified me as a young 11-year-old and has been instrumental in my development since. He has trained and mentored me into an MLS academy environment and opened up opportunities for me to train professionally abroad in Denmark.
Charlie Maniaci
New York Soccer Club ( MLS NEXT Academy)
Sam's helped me develop more and awareness and decision-making speed, which was instrumental in my success on the Varsity team as a sophomore.
Lauren Smith
Darien High School

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